

5.0 (2 đánh giá) Đã bán 13.8k
Còn hàng
  • SKU: 5WG1223-2AB14
  • Mô tả: KNX Pushbutton, triple, with status LED, with scene controller, with room temperature sensor, titanium white, i-system
  • Tình trạng: Hàng có sẵn, mới 100%
  • Chứng từ COCQ, tờ khai hải quan, có xuất hóa đơn VAT
  • Hãng sản xuất: Siemens
  • Giảm thêm 5% khi mua sản phẩm cùng danh mục có giá cao hơn
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Mã sản phẩm: 5WG1223-2AB14 Danh mục: Thương hiệu: Siemens

Mô tả sản phẩm

with three pairs of pushbuttons,
with horizontal operation,
with per pushbutton selectable function toggle, switching on, switching off, switching On or Off at either rising or falling edge, single button dimming, single button solar protection con-trol, 1-bit scene control, 8-bit scene control, 8-bit value, percent value, 16-bit value, tem-perature value, brightness value, forced control,
with per pushbutton – depending on the selected main function – selectable additional func-tion executed either after a time delay (time delay configurable from 100 ms to 655 s) or al-ternatively on a long button press,
with per pair of pushbuttons selectable function 2-button dimming with stop telegram, 2-button solar protection control, variable 8-bit value, variable percent value, 1-bit scene con-trol, 8-bit scene control, forced control,
with per pushbutton – depending on the selected main function – selectable additional func-tion executed after a time delay (time delay configurable from 100 ms to 655 s),
with per pushbutton – depending on the selected main function – selectable additional func-tion switching on, switching off, 8-bit value, percent value, 16-bit value, temperature value, brightness value, recall/save 1-bit scene 1, recall/save 1-bit scene 2, recall 8-bit scene, forced on, forced off, deactivate forced control,
with blocking selectable for each pushbutton and configurable for each pushbutton depend-ing on the value of the blocking object,
with integrated 8-bit scene controller for recalling and saving scenes for up to eight scene channels,
with assignment of up to eight 8-bit scene numbers (1 to 64) per scene channel,
with per scene channel selectable function switching, solar protection control, forced con-trol, 8-bit value, 16-bit value,
with scenes configured and saved in the 8-bit scene controller by the user,
with saved values retrievable even if there is a bus power failure or the device configuration is changed by ETS,
with integrated room temperature sensor,
with configurable offset to accommodate local circumstances,
with cyclical sending or sending on change of the room temperature value by a configurable value,
with a status LED per pushbutton,
with the brightness of all status LED’s configurable or controllable via object,
with selectable brief cyclical flashing when the LED is turned off,
with per status LED selectable function LED continuously off, LED continuously on, LED indicates user operation, LED indicates long button press, LED on / off / flashing (slowly, moderately, fast) dependent on binary value (on or off), LED on / off / flashing (slowly, mod-erately, fast) dependent on analog value (8-bit value, percent value, 16-bit value, tempera-ture value, brightness value),
with an orientation light LED,
with the brightness of the orientation light LED configurable or controllable via object,
with selectable brief cyclical flashing when the LED is turned off,
with per status LED selectable function LED continuously off, LED continuously on, LED indicates user operation, LED indicates long button press, LED on / off / flashing (slowly, moderately, fast) dependent on binary value (on or off), LED on / off / flashing (slowly, mod-erately, fast) dependent on analog value (8-bit value, percent value, 16-bit value, tempera-ture value, brightness value),
with wide labeling field,
for clipping onto a UP 117 bus coupling unit (BTM) (separately specified).

Thông số kỹ thuật 5WG1223-2AB14

    - Dimensions (W x H x D): 55 x 55 x 11 mm - Warranty: 24 Months

Thông tin bổ sung

Thời gian bảo hành24 tháng

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Đánh giá sản phẩm

2 đánh giá cho 5WG1223-2AB14

5.0 Đánh giá trung bình
5 100% | 2 đánh giá
4 0% | 0 đánh giá
3 0% | 0 đánh giá
2 0% | 0 đánh giá
1 0% | 0 đánh giá
Đánh giá 5WG1223-2AB14
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0 ký tự (Tối thiểu 10)

    1. Nguyễn Hải Yến Đã mua tại thanhthienphu.vn

      Hàng tốt nhưng mình thấy hơi khác một chút so với ảnh.

    2. Phạm Đức Phong Đã mua tại thanhthienphu.vn

      Giao hàng nhanh nhưng chưa test nhiều, hy vọng bền lâu!

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